Friday, August 5, 2011


I asked Greg to take this photo of me in front of Bethany Hall where I would be teaching a morning session with him. What is really funny about the people in the Philippines is when you point a camera at some one, everyone in the surrounding area will rush together to be in the picture with you.  These three photos are only seconds apart. :)

Greg and I had a game plan going into this break-out session... I would do the first half and then turn it over to him for the second half.  Again, I said that was the game plan.  I was told that I didn't need a translator so I started teaching.  About half way through, I am told that they do need an interpretor so I backtrack in the lesson to get them caught up. When I was done with what I had set out to do, I checked my watch and was surprised to see that I didn't fill the first half like I thought I would.  So I am thinking, "I bet Greg thinks I didn't teach very long..." but what actually happened was my watch had lost about twenty minutes so Greg was actually thinking something like "Bruce isn't leaving me much time to teach.".

Our topic that morning was 'What Is The Gospel?' and Pastor Jose was helping the pastors understand what the Bible says about the gospel and how that differs from what the world says about the gospel.  Greg taught them about some 'false gospels' such as 'God promises to make you rich'.  The Q&A time was very informative concerning what they know and where they need help.
I enjoy listening to Greg teach because of his style... he is very smooth in his delivery and is able to ask the questions that the congregation wants someone to ask and then he answers it.  He had a great question from one man and Greg's answer came out so fast, he didn't leave time for Jonathon to interpret for him.  When I got his attention, I asked him, "Can you go back and allow Jonathon to catch up with you?"  They both laughed and Greg replied "I don't think so."
As the music started in the tabernacle and the people started coming in, you could feel the energy level building up.  I was so impressed with the many people who used their musical gifts to lead us in worship.  People of all ages... even little kids who looked like they could barely hold a guitar, much less play it, but yet they had an opportunity to play in their own praise team during one of the services.
In this photo, Pastor Lito and I are preaching the morning service.  It was 10:30am Sunday morning at the camp but my church family was praying for me at that same time (which was actually 10:30 pm Saturday night).  I am so grateful for my church family who not only encouraged me to go on this trip but also helped raise the money.  Thank you, RFBC.

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