Monday, January 3, 2011


Wow, what a time to be a Christian! And what a time to be a pastor!  I am so thankful that God has allowed me to pastor the same church for 11 years so far.  And the good news is that I am more excited about the future than I have ever been.  With this new year starting, we are in the process of developing a new structure of leadership in our church that will help us live out our 'new' vision.  It's not that we have replaced our vision from before, it's just that it is much clearer now what we are trying to do and how to accomplish it.
One of the big changes taking place sometime this year will be adding a new music minister.  We are currently taking resumes and asking God to give us the right leader who take care of the music in our church.  I have been doing it for years and between the music and the preaching, my voice is lasting as long as it used to. (Yes, I know I am getting older, thank you.)  So I ask that you pray for us to find such a person to fill that position.
The theme this year is "PREPARING FOR HEAVEN IN 2011" reminding us that we must prepare ourselves to meet God so that we may hear Him say 'Well done, My good and faithful servant.".  Are you ready to meet Him?  I hope you are.  If not, why ask Him to forgive you of your sins and help you live a life that pleases Him?  You will be glad you did!

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