Saturday, November 29, 2014


In spite of the green vegetables, we had a great time at last week's Thanksgiving dinner at church. It was great to hear the laughter and eat lots of good food. We truly have been blessed as a church family.

It is crucially important that we are praying for each other's needs and thanking God for our church family. We need to make the most of opportunities like last week's meal together. Sitting together and enjoying each other is how we develop stronger relationships within our church. 

I would definitely encourage you to read November 5's post, YOU CAN'T OBEY THE 'ONE ANOTHER'S IF YOU ARE NOT WITH ONE ANOTHER to see the importance of being together. We truly need each other. 

Another post that I would recommend to you to read is July 7 entitled DOES IT REALLY MATTER IF YOU "GO TO" CHURCH? which begins like this, "How important is your church attendance? Before you answer, let me clarify that question. I am not asking you how important your church attendance is TO YOU. Instead I am asking how important is your church attendance to God, to your family and to your church family?" 

So please remember that we have been so blessed with our church family and we need to gather together on a regular basis and obey God's Word together. It not only affects us but also everyone around us. So lets' get together this Sunday. I will meet you there. Ok?

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