Monday, May 17, 2010


The lighthouse in the photo above is in Maine and it plays a very important part in my life right now.  Whenever I see this photo, I remember the night that I photographed it and I remember what I was going through that night.  I was stressed out for a lot of reasons including the fact that my new camera got damaged that weekend.  My wife, Rhonda, "suggested" that I take a ride that evening and have some 'God time'. 

I was trying to photograph as many lighthouses as I could before it got dark that night but when I came to this lighthouse, which is known as Marshall Point, I sensed that God was dealing with me.  The combination of the sunset and the lighthouse was a joy to see, but there was more happening than that.  I realized once again that I was too wound up about stuff and that I needed to rest in His presence more instead of running so fast that I can't sense His peace.  It was at this place that my favorite Bible verse kept repeating in my ears "Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10).

Maybe today you need to slow down and look for a light that can replace the darkness in your life.  What has been stressing you out lately?  What's causing you to feel pressured or defeated?  For you, it might not be a lighthouse in Maine on a quiet night in October... but if you let the dust settle around you and ask God to remind you of His loving presence, He will do so.  What have you got to lose besides some stress?  Just be still for a few minutes, close your eyes, and let God love you.  You'll be glad you did... so tell me, when was your last 'lighthouse moment'?

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