Wednesday, January 22, 2014


How many times has this happened to you? You notice that something doesn't feel right but instead of going to the doctor, you try to ignore it. You tell yourself that it will be okay in a little while. Or maybe you think it isn't worth the trip since it isn't that big of a problem. Often when I have taken this approach, the problem did get worse and I wished I had taken care of it sooner!

Not only do we take this approach with our physical health, but many of us take this same approach with our spiritual health as well. We recognize that we are allowing something to be in our lives that we should stay away from but we try to justify it instead. "It's no big deal. At least I am not doing what he's doing!" We try to hide things from God and from others but the truth is God already knows and sometimes others know as well. Instead of calling it "sin", we call it our problem or our weakness as if there was no solution. "It's just who I am."

When we don't repent (turn away from) of our sin, we are hardened by it. And when we are hardened by it, our sin becomes like a magnet drawing other sins to us. With this sin in our lives, we begin to feel defeated by it and yet addicted to it.  We say that we want it out of our lives but then we still crave it's worldly pleasure. Before long we realize how far we have drifted away from God. It didn't happen all at once. It happened one choice at a time

So today... Right now... No matter if you are one step away from God or way off the right path, I am asking you to turn around. Turn back to God. Ask Him to forgive you. Ask Him to help you make better choices. And start walking towards Him. It may seem difficult. You will face some resistance. But you are going the right direction when you are walking towards God. 

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