Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I know that you have read and heard many comments dealing with last night’s election but I just want to share some observations with you that I have been talking about for months. Observations that were definitely proven true last night.

Christians need to get serious about their faith. Because of several factors, we have become a minority in what used to be a Christian nation.

The electorate is becoming more secular. Recent studies have indicated that the single greatest predictor of voting patterns is the frequency of church attendance. Far fewer Americans now attend church, and a recent study indicated that fully 20% of all Americans identify with no religious preference at all. The secularizing of the electorate will have monumental consequences. - Al Mohler

Mr. Mohler says that ‘fewer Americans now attend church’. I will take that one step farther and say fewer “Christians” are going to church. Too many church membership rolls are filled with inactive members. We have too many people claiming to be Christians but living lifestyles that scream otherwise and because of that, we are not being the light and the salt that we are supposed to be living (Matthew 5:13-16).

Our nation is falling because the ‘morality’ of this country is failing. The morality of this country is failing because the churches are focused on themselves instead of those outside their four walls.

·         Because of so many inactive church members, the pastors and other church members are spending too much time trying to chase them down and get them back in church when they could be using that time to reach out to a lost and dying world.

·         Too many pastors are told that they are to cater to the church members while doors are being opened by God every day for all of us to share the gospel to those who are not converted yet.

·         Too much of a church’s budget is focused on the people inside the four walls without taking into consideration the people outside the four walls.

·         Too many Christians are shutting up because someone has told that they are being judgmental and even misquoting Matthew 7:1 in the process. Matthew 7:1 deals with condemning and criticizing people, not recognizing and confronting sinful issues in order to bring people to Christ.

So what should we do? Very simple and yet extremely crucial.

·         PRAY- Repent and ask God for forgiveness for each and every sin in your life. Then pray for your family and your church family to do the same. Pray that your church will see the harvest around you and realize that Jesus was right when He said the laborers were few. Pray that those who are living in sin will be convicted and repent of their sinful ways. Pray that those who are living without Jesus would be saved by God’s grace.

·         LIVE IT- Don’t just say that you are a Christian, BE a Christian. A Christian is supposed to be Christ-like but we are seeing too many of our church families live lives that resembled the sinfulness of the world more than the holiness of Jesus.

·         GET MOVING- Get more involved in your church’s worship with your church family. Get more involved in reaching out to people outside your four walls. Find out what areas are open for volunteers to come in and minister God’s love.

·         SPEAK UP- Don’t back down because someone says you are being too judgmental or too exclusive. Speak the truth with love, yes, but SPEAK THE TRUTH. If they don’t like it, they can argue with God about it.  

Will you help me pray for our pastors and our churches to be stronger in our influence of others in our nation? It starts with me and you.

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