Saturday, July 28, 2012


This man probably doesn't know it yet but he was used by God to teach me a lesson that I have already heard many times before but like so many of us, I needed to hear it again.  His name is Greg Cash and he specializes in video/photography in the way that he serves God.  'Cash' was part of our mission team to the Philippines and since I also love working with cameras, we had plenty to talk about.  Because we were shooting for different reasons, we were using different approaches.  I was just using the basic settings to get the quick shots but he was much more deliberate in taking each shot.  I had mine set to just point and shoot but Cash had a system that he used very well... one finger moved the dial, one finger on the shutter release, his thumb on the other dial, etc.

I asked him to use my camera for a few shots of me teaching or having fun with the people we were visiting and he would start changing my settings to take a better photo than he would have gotten if he just used the settings that I had it on.

So what is the valuable lesson that God used Cash to show me?  There were areas in my spiritual life that I had gotten lazy in as well... just point and shoot.  I had been praying but was I praying enough or the right things?  I had been reading scripture but was I being deliberate enough in my study?  Have I stopped desiring spiritual growth because I had gotten comfortable? 

Cash didn't take the easy way out.  He worked at it and it showed.  His films and his photos were very, very good and that was before he had begun to edit them.  I was 'scrapbooking' and he was creating art.  Big difference.

What about you?  Are you taking the easy way out or are you really giving God your best?

2 Timothy 2:15 (ESV) 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.

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